Members benefits
Professional Recognition
SIBL is one of the 8 professional Institutions of the Construction Industry Joint Committee (CIJC). SIBL ensures that all Individual Members and Enterprise Members' needs on industrial, contractual matters are carefully considered as SIBL has on-going dialogues with related government agencies.
Business Networking Events
Social events and talks are held by SIBL to provide a platform for members to get together. Other activities such as site visits to interesting building projects and study tour offer an opportunity for members to benefit from latest development in the industry. Furthermore, affiliations and partnerships with other regional and international building Institutes benefit our members with competent professional recognition and business connections.
CPD Programmes
SIBL continues to conduct courses, workshops and seminars for professionals in the industry. Individual Members as well as Enterprise Member's executives and staff will enjoy the same discounted rate. Some of the seminars are jointly organised with other institutions and universities to inform members of the prevailing development of the industry. These seminars and programmes will enable professionals to obtain CPD's points to maintain their professional recognition.
Feedback on Industrial Procedures Practice
Public agencies have maintained a trusted working relationship with SIBL (through CIJC or directly) especially in preparation of implementation of new regulations, policies or industrial standards. SIBL's members are updated on the process of the authorities and given the involvement in some of these working committees.
Media & Publications
The Institute publishes newsletter - "Build News" and Annual Journal – "The Professional Builder", these publications are widely circulated to our members, CIJC and government agencies. Enterprise Member can leverage on these printed media to generate more exposure to a targeted audience. Enterprise Members may also request for a listing on SIB's website, thus offering instant awareness of its products and services to a wider network of building professionals.
Industrial trends and Updates
The Institute's activities and current news of the construction and building industry are kept up to date through emails.
Business Solutions
Through our partnership with other professional consultants, all members can learn new ideas and business solutions to grow their businesses, financial advisory services are also available.
Education and Careers
Individual Members and Enterprise Members' staff and employees can upgrade their academic professional qualifications through SIBL Accredited Diploma Courses. Enterprise Member can also use SIBL website at and publications to source suitable professional for jobs placement and in-turn, provide career opportunities for SIBL Members. SIBL conducts regular career talks to tertiary institutions.
Student Members shall be persons who are undergoing a recognised building course, or persons of equivalent standing.
Associate Members shall be persons:
Affiliate Members shall be persons:
Any business entity in Singapore and Overseas
The Board may admit into Membership as Enterprise Member any company which is: